Foto Else

Else Veldman (uit dienst)

Program Lead 'Energy Lab Zuidoost' | AMS Institute

Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Metropolitan Solutions (AMS Institute) - a collaboration between the City of Amsterdam, Delft University of Technology, Wageningen University & Research, and Massachusetts Institute of Technology - is an international institute where talent is educated and engineers, designers, and both natural and social scientist jointly develop and valorize integrated urban solutions. Our mission is to develop a deep understanding of the city – sense the city – and design solutions for its challenges, and integrate these into the city of Amsterdam.

As program lead of the Energy Lab in Amsterdam Zuidoost, Else connects concrete urban energy challenges of Amsterdam Zuidoost to research and scientific expertise. At the Energy Lab, we use Amsterdam Zuidoost as a Living Lab: a valuable context for experiments that helps develop and test advanced solutions for urban energy challenges. Here we work together with various partners, and in close cooperation with the Urban Energy Institute of Delft University of Technology and other knowledge institutes.