
Anneke Haverlag

Student-assistent Energie Lab Zuidoost / MADE Student, Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Metropolitan Solutions

The master’s Metropolitan Analysis, Design and Engineering (MSc MADE) is an interdisciplinary master’s programme of both Wageningen University & Research and Delft University of Technology that focusses on sustainable development. This two-year master’s in sustainable development is entrepreneurial in approach and takes place in the urban context of Amsterdam. The programme is hosted at AMS Institute and strongly aligned with the activities at the institute

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    Self-organising capacity: How can it be fostered within a community in Amsterdam Zuid-Oost?

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    Development and thermal analysis of a 5th generation DHN utilizing data-center waste heat

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    Verslag seminar 28 maart

    Hieronder vindt u de verslaglegging van het seminar van het Energie Lab…

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    Poster 'Future Energy Scenario Analysis'

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    Poster 'Developing the district heating network backbone Reigersbos'

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    Poster 'Local heat transition'

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    Poster 'De Kazerne in Reigersbos'

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    Poster 'Public professionals in transition'

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    Poster 'Energy poverty and energy coaching'

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    Poster 'Reigersbos'

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  • Collection (7)

    Posters seminar

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  • Collection (2)

    Seminar Energie Lab Zuidoost - 28 maart 2024

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    Video Visie Amsterdam Zuidoost Energieneutraal 2040

    16% CO2-reductie in Amsterdam Zuidoost van 2018-2024

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    Hoog Hout haalbaar

    Onderzoek naar Paris Proof tenderen voor G4 gemeenten

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    Energy coaching: a path to alleviating energy poverty in Amsterdam

    MSc. Thesis by Luuk Tesselaar

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    Broodje Energie Lab Zuidoost - Biobased bouwen

    25 januari 2024

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    Werkplaats PLUS - Woningbouwcooperaties

    25 januari 2024

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    Werkplaats PLUS

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    The potential of collective governance for a just energy transition

    MSc. Thesis by Ludo van Muilekom

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    Infograhic Just Prepare - Living Lab Amsterdam

    Deze Infographic toont het onderzoek van JUST PREPARE in Amsterdam.

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    Infographic Just Prepare

    Deze Infographic toont het onderzoek van JUST PREPARE.

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    Icons in the Energy Transition South East

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    Woningbouw binnen planetaire grenzen

    De bouwsector staat voor een uitdaging vanwege de spanningen tussen grote…

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    Bijlage Visie Amsterdam Energie Neutraal 2040: Iconen in Zuidoost - editie 2024

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    Vision Amsterdam Southeast Energy Neutral 2040 - 2024 edition

    The first energy vision for Southeast was created in 2018 and presented in…

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    The Renovation Wave: An opportunity to tackle energy poverty?

    MSc. Thesis by Mobeen Nawaz

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    Designing a just business model for citizen-owned energy cooperatives

    MSc. Thesis by Chia Yu Lin

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    Justifying Amsterdam's Transition Vision for Heat: Supporting affordability and cooperation within Hispanic communities in the Bijlmer

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    Bevindingen gerenoveerde demowoning Reigersbos

    In december 2021 is het gebruiksonderzoek naar de demowoning in Reigersbos…

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    Engaging residents in sustainable renovation by simplifying complexity

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    Visualization for better Stakeholder Communication: Design of a visualization strategy tool and an empowering visual tool for multi

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    Learning Lab 2

    De Just Prepare Learning Labs hebben tot doel kennis- en praktijkpartners…

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    How the Quick-fix Brigade frames energy poverty in Amsterdam South East

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    Navigating Value Dynamics: a tool for mapping multi-stakeholder value ecosystems in the LIFE Project

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    Energy Relations: The evolution of our relationship with power

    MSc. Thesis by Lena de Rouw

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    Exploring the challenges to citizen participation in renewable energy projects

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    Energie in de wijk

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  • Collection (6)


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    Lab 4: Just energy transition

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    Unlocking social energy through relational giving

    MSc. Thesis by Victoria Toellner

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    Poster 'Designing for a more accessible indoor climate system'

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    Poster 'Geïndustrialiseerde modulaire, lage emissie hoogbouw in de G4'

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    Poster 'Exploring the challenges to citizen participation in renewable energy projects'

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  • Collection (3)

    Posters seminar

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    Presentatie 'Value creation and distribution in the quadruple helix'

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    Presentatie 'Datawarmte in Zuidoost'

    Tijdens de parallelsessie ‘Datawarmte in Zuidoost’, die onderdeel was van…

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    Verslag seminar 30 maart

    Hieronder vindt u de verslaglegging van het seminar van het Energie Lab…

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  • Collection (4)

    Seminar Energie Lab Zuidoost - 30 maart 2023

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  • Collection (10)

    Energy Lab Zuidoost

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    Ontstaansgeschiedenis Energie Lab Zuidoost

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    Strategic Agenda Energy Lab Zuidoost

    The Energy Lab Zuidoost has the mission to accelerate the energy…

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    Manifesto Energy Lab Zuidoost

    The Energie Lab Zuidoost has drawn up a manifesto to ensure that the good…

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    Hergebruik van zonnepanelen

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    Energy justice in Holendrecht

    MSc Thesis by Robert van Berkel

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    Quay Walls of Amsterdam

    MADE Student Project

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    Lab 3: Low temperature heat networks

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  • Collection (17)

    Lab 2: Sustainable renovation of homes

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  • Collection (21)

    Lab 1: Local smart energy systems

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