
Energy Lab Southeast

By 2050, the municipality of Amsterdam aims to reduce its CO2 emissions by 95% compared to the emissions in 1990, with the goal of not exceeding the earth's natural limits (boundaries). To achieve this goal, Amsterdam is working towards a city that is free of natural gas, emissions, and energy neutral.

Amsterdam Zuidoost is taking it one step further and aims to be energy-neutral by 2040. The development of Amsterdam Zuidoost offers opportunities to combine sustainability with poverty reduction and social improvement. For example, by improving the living comfort of homes during renovation projects, Or by creating local employment during large-scale renovations. This is called a social energy transition.

Achieving this requires collaboration from many different parties. Both from the government and the residents, as well as from businesses and researchers. The Energy Lab Southeast brings these parties together. The goal is to contribute directly to the challenges and projects in Amsterdam Southeast with scientific expertise.

We focus on a number of scalable pilots and experiments in Amsterdam Southeast that are carried out by various companies, public organizations and residents. Here we bring together practice, policy, research and education. In a scientific ‘Werkplaats’, we monitor these pilots to draw lessons for scaling up, and we work with a team of researchers from different disciplines to collaborate with the municipality on relevant issues.

The Energy Lab Southeast facilitates the exchange of knowledge between different projects, organizations, and disciplines. The knowledge is shared widely so that the innovations can be applied throughout Amsterdam and beyond.

Methods and themes

By experimenting together in various "Living Labs," we develop and test innovations. We do this together with businesses, residents, the government, and science. In the Living Labs, we learn what really works. The experiments are monitored from a scientific perspective. We learn how these innovations can be applied in urban environments. By organizing workshops and events, knowledge is exchanged between different projects, organizations, and disciplines

The practical experiments are carried out around three themes:

1: Local smart energy systems
In the ArenApoort area, a scalable community energy platform is being developed and tested for a wide variety of stakeholders.

2: Sustainable renovation of homes
In Reigersbos, efforts are being made to scale up the renovation approach for homes. This approach involves renovating/renewing the facades and developing various renovation packages for the VvE's to create comfortable homes with a healthy living environment.

3: Low temperature district heating networks
In Amstel III, a new and sustainable district heating network is being developed that uses rest heat from a data center. By researching both the limitations in the current market and the technical requirements of low temperature district heating projects, we are developing a blueprint for such networks.

In this collection, you will find more information about the Energy Lab Southeast and its three themes. For more information, please visit:

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  • Public

    Video Energie Lab Zuidoost

    In deze video maak je kennis met het Energie Lab Zuidoost. We nemen je mee…

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  • Public

    Manifesto Energy Lab Zuidoost

    The Energie Lab Zuidoost has drawn up a manifesto to ensure that the good…

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  • Public

    Strategic Agenda Energy Lab Zuidoost

    The Energy Lab Zuidoost has the mission to accelerate the energy…

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  • Collection (3)

    De energietransitie in Zuidoost in kaart

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  • Collection (23)

    Lab 1: Local smart energy systems

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  • Collection (19)

    Lab 2: Sustainable renovation of homes

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  • Collection (11)

    Lab 3: Low temperature heat networks

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  • Collection (6)

    Lab 4: Just energy transition

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  • Collection (6)

    Onderwijsprojecten Energie Lab Zuidoost

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  • Collection (6)

    Meetings Energy Lab Southeast

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  • Collection (36)

    MSc-thesisprojecten Energie Lab Zuidoost

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