
MSc Thesis - Designing for a more accessible zero energy system

by Alina Boyuklieva

This project intertwines the topic of zero energy renovations with the field of Inclusive Design. It provides a detailed overview of the challenges that might arise in zero energy renovations through the examination of the case study of the Reigersbos neighbourhood. Then, a layer of accessibility is applied in order to reveal the limitations that residents with visual impairments might face. As a result, a Booklet with guidelines and recommendations is developed. Its main goal is to support the people who choose the products for a renovation to apply solutions that better match residents' needs. Next to that, two future product concepts are proposed that embody the main findings of the research. Alina's booklet and master thesis can be found below, along with two visuals.

Author: Alina Boyuklieva, Delft University of Technology

Afbeelding credits

Header afbeelding: renovation.png

Icon afbeelding: Alina banner.png

