
Harm reduction from below

On sharing and caring in drugs use

The contributions are based on ethnographic research into young people’s harm-reduction strategies in Amsterdam and Utrecht in the Netherlands, Paris and Lyon in France, Vilnius and Kaunas in Lithuania, Brooklyn in the United States, and online forums and other sites in the virtual world of the Internet. Research was conducted among university students, bartenders, entertainers, drag queens, vapoteurs (electronic cigarette users), those attending music festivals and afterparties, members of the chem-sex and slamming gay subculture, and participants in online drug use–related forums, blogs and story sites. The authors address a range of substances, from alcohol, nicotine, and prescription medications to cocaine, amphetamines, traditional party drugs and new designer drugs. Most researchers utilized a combination of repeat in-depth interviews and participant observation; some studies drew upon prolonged immersion in the field.

The research has resulted in two scientific papers: 

Hardon, Anita, and Takeo David Hymans.. 2016. “Guest Editors’ Introduction: Harm Reduction From Below.” Contemporary Drug Problems 43 (3): 191–98.


Van Schipstal, Inge, Swasti Mishra, Moritz Berning, and Hayley Murray. 2016. “Harm Reduction From Below: On Sharing and Caring in Drug Use.” Contemporary Drug Problems 43 (3): 199–215.

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