
MSc MADE Thesis AMS Institute - Design for social encounters

MADE Student Project

This thesis researches the influence of the spatial composition in collaborative housing in Amsterdam on the social encounters between residents. This form of housing combines autonomous housing units with shared common facilities and a strong social dimension. Since the 1970s, CH has emerged in Amsterdam. Currently, more than 100 CH projects are inhabited in the Dutch capital. From a designer’s point of view, the fundamental difference between collaborative housing and conventional housing is the presence of shared spaces among different households in conventional housing. Social interactions which are unfolding in these spaces play a key role in the sense of community among the residents. These interactions have been a subject of study for academics in various disciplines. A wide range of studies have gained insights on design aspects of these spaces. However, a systematic multiple-case study is currently lacking as evidence is predominantly based on case studies. In this master thesis, I aim to create a better understanding of the relation between social interaction and design by investigating the overall structure of the shared spaces and the corresponding social interactions that occur in a systematic matter.

Please find references inside the document.

Author: Koen Kaljee

Afbeelding credits

Header afbeelding: Pixabay - Diversity

Icon afbeelding: AMS Institute logo vierkant rood

