Turn-up-and-go and Alternative Transport
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Final Report by Lucas Mansvelder
In the UK they offer services 'turn up and go' and Alternative transport which make their mobility system more inclusive. How have they developed and what is behind these services with regards to legislation, agreements, tools?
In chapter two it is clarified how turn-up-and-go and alternative transport came into being and how the systems developed over time. In chapter three it is described what legislation, agreements and resources are behind turn-upand-go and alternative transport and the current legislation in The Netherlands. In chapter four is described what the costs and outputs of the systems are (including users) in the United Kingdom. In chapter five is described how public transport is arranged within the Vervoerregio Amsterdam for people who use passenger assistance. In chapter six is described on what points the Vervoerregio Amsterdam has to improve to be able to implement a similar system to turn-up-and-go and alternative transport. This is where you will find the information retrieved from interviews and fieldwork. In chapter seven the answer is given to the main question: How are the turn-up-and-go service and the alternative transport service arranged and on which points could the Vervoerregio Amsterdam improve to be able to
implement a similar system?
Author: Lucas Mansvelder, student Hogeschool Windesheim