Covenant of Mayors Investment Forum - Energy efficiency finance market place
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The 2021 edition of the Covenant of Mayors Investment Forum - energy efficiency finance market place is jointly organised by the European Commission’s Directorates-Generals for Energy and Climate Action and the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA).
This event has ended.
The conference includes plenary sessions with high-level representatives from the Covenant of Mayors initiative, the investment community and the European Commission. It brings together cities, industry and financial institutions to exchange good practices and successful solutions to common challenges.
This year the conference will host 44 projects divided in 5 different strands (driving change locally: sustainable plans and strategies for the energy transition, financing energy efficiency in the public sector, renovation wave: boosting investments in home renovation, innovative solutions to finance energy efficiency and renewables and public Investments in climate change adaptation innovations) and 8 discussion forums, framed by an institutional opening and closing and a market place with institutional stands. Like in past years, the conference will also offer plenty of opportunities for networking. The agenda can be found online.
Click here for the presentations.
Source: Covenant of Mayors Investment Forum: Energy efficiency finance market place. European Commission.
Afbeelding credits
Icon afbeelding: Covenant of Mayors - EU