
Think Nature-Based Solutions Handbook

Nature-based solutions (NBS) are actions inspired by, supported by or copied from nature, which deploy various natural features and processes, are resource efficient and adapted to systems into diverse spatial areas, facing social, environmental and economic challenges. The main goals of NBS are the enhancement of sustainable urbanization, the restoration of degraded ecosystems, the development of climate change adaptation and mitigation and the improvement of risk management and resilience. Moreover, NBS address global challenges, directly connected to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). NBS provide multiple benefits and have been identified as critical for the regeneration and improvement of well-being in urban areas, coastal resilience, multi-functional watershed management and ecosystem restoration. They also increase the sustainability of matter and energy use, enhance the insurance value of ecosystems and increase carbon sequestration.

This Handbook has been developed in the framework of ThinkNature project. Its main objective is to gather and promote state-of-the-art knowledge regarding Nature-based Solutions (NBS), comprising a comprehensive guide to all relevant actors. To this end, each aspect of NBS is investigated, from project development to financing and policy making, and is presented in a concise and comprehensive way, in order to be easily understandable. Regarding the EU agenda about NBS, this Handbook contributes to:

  • expanding the knowledge base about the NBS’ effectiveness,
  • supporting the NBS’ implementation through enhancing their replicability and upscaling,
  • utilizing the knowledge and experience of stakeholders, and
  • proposing a comprehensive methodological approach towards innovation.

Source: Chrysoulakis, N., Stagakis, S., & Somarakis, G. 2019. Nature-Based Solutions Handbook. ThinkNature. DOI: 10.26225/jerv-w202

