

CO3, Digital Disruptive Technologies to Co-create, Co-produce and Co-manage Open Public Services along with Citizens, aims at assessing the benefits and risks of disruptive technologies, namely: blockchain, augmented reality, geolocated social network, interactive democracy tools, and gamification, in the co-creation, co-production and co-management of public services with citizens as PAs partners. Augmented Reality becomes a single shared layer on the urban passage and part of citizen’s public life, AR enables the manipulation of financial objects built on blockchains, information sharing on a map, online deliberations and so constitutes an infrastructure for service co-production by citizens. CO3 pilots the technologies’ ecosystem of in three sites: Paris, Turin and Athens.

It evaluates the outcomes of the new interaction model between PA and citizens under a set of metrics in three dimensions:

  1. social and cultural: citizen engagement, change in relationship with public servants.
  2. economic: value of services produced, effects on workplaces, consumptions and economic sustainability
  3. legal: legal implications for PA including privacy and data protection.

CO3 will devise a business plan ensuring long-term sustainability for the PAs on the basis of the metrics applied to the pilots’ data.


  • Enable Public authorities to develop pathways for the introduction of disruptive technologies while addressing societal challenges raised by such technologies.
  • Enhance knowledge on digital democracy based on a thorough understanding of users’ needs and develop new ways of providing public services, of ensuring public governance and of boosting public engagement with the help of disruptive technologies.
  • Contribute to developing new practices, to optimize work processes and to integrating evidence-based decision-making processes in public services and in services such as health, education, social welfare and mobility.

Source: CO3 project


Afbeelding credits

Icon afbeelding: CO3_colored_primary_version.png

