
Book: Towards a Natural Social Contract

Transformative Social-Ecological Innovation for a Sustainable, Healthy and Just Society

This book explains how Transformative Social-Ecological Innovation (TSEI) plays a central role in the sustainability transition and humankind’s search for a Natural Social Contract. Transformative Social-Ecological Innovation is defined as ‘systemic changes in established patterns of action and in structure, including formal and informal institutions and economies, that contribute to sustainability, health and justice in all social-ecological systems’ (definition by author). Creating a sustainable and healthy future for societies will require institutional change as well as multiple parties, multiple sectors, and multiple levels of government to act and collaborate effectively. TSEI is based on processes of collective learning and co-creation in which different but interdependent parties learn to develop new knowledge and solutions in a transdisciplinary approach.

Source: Huntjens, P. 2021. Towards a Natural Social Contract: Transformative Social-ecological Innovation for a Sustainable, Healthy and Just Society. Springer. DOI:


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