In the Netherlands, unlike many other countries, HIV‐positive men who have seks with men (MSM) account for the majority of new hepatitis C virus (HCV) infections. Due to increased efficacy and tolerability of the new antiviral agents for the treatment of HCV, cure is possible in the majority of patients. In November 2015 eligibility for interferon‐free HCV treatment in the Netherlands was expanded to all chronic HCV patients regardless of the extend of liver fibrosis. We believe that elimination of HCV in MSM among Amsterdam is within reach. We combined expertise and knowledge from virologists, mathematical modelers, clinicians, the public health specialists and a non‐governmental organization specialized in sexual health, in the MC Free study group to develop an innovative, integral strategy aimed at eliminating HCV in MSM in Amsterdam.

Looptijd: 1 augustus 2015 - 31 december 2018 

Afbeelding credits

Icon afbeelding: bril.jpg