Behandeld in Commissie Ruimtelijke Ordening 24 mei 2017

This study examines the social, economic and environmental conditions affecting the spatial development of Amsterdam and its metropolitan area, as well as the plans, policies and institutions that govern how land is used.

Behandeld in Commissie Ruimtelijke Ordening 24 mei 2017

Behandelend ambtenaar: Dagmar Keim,

Julian Jansen,,

Voor meer informatie klik hier

Amsterdam is a dynamic and growing metropolitan area that faces significant land-use pressures. Renowned for its tradition of collaborative planning, the city and its metropolitan partners must adapt to new conditions. Ongoing population growth is creating demand for housing and commercial space, and the new National Environment and Planning Act is challenging planners to adopt more flexible, responsive and integrated land-use management practices. This study examines the social, economic and environmental conditions affecting the area’s spatial development as well as the plans, policies and institutions that govern how land is used. The study offers recommendations on how the city and its metropolitan partners can best respond to emerging challenges and meet their ambitious goals for sustainable and inclusive spatial development. Source en link to the publication: OECD website

The study was possible by the contribuion of civic servants of the City of Amsterdam UvA, VU, HvA and many moren. See the 'acknowledgdements' in the publication.

During the launching conference 'Think Different' the OECD and experts from the metropolitan area of Amsterdam, CBS and international experts the recommendations of the OECD.

The presentations were recorded:


Rüdiger Ahrend en Abel Schumann, OECD

‚Governance of landuse in the Netherlands, casus Amsterdam’


Andrew Reschovsky, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy

Fiscal policies to reach spatial ambitions

Behandeld in


Wouter Vermeulen, CPB

The Surge in downtown Amsterdam land values: implications for taxes and Planning


Samenvatting van de conferentie (inhoudelijk 16 minuten) (sfeer 3  minuten)


Afbeelding credits

Icon afbeelding: selectie van voorkant OECD rapport land use Amsterdam
