
Thesis - Monitoring the Consequences of Conflicting Land Use Policies

By Sterre Blok

[Full title: Monitoring the Concequences of Conflicting Land Use Policies: An Enhanced NDVI Analysis of Amsterdam]
Urban green spaces are important for the well-being of citizens and the environment but are threatened by the densification of cities. In this study, the development of new urban built-up at the expense of urban vegetation is monitored between 2017 and 2022 within the city ring (A10) of Amsterdam.

Based on satellite data, an NDVI* analysis was performed for both years. To gain additional insight into the land use change, this data was enhanced by topographical data from the BGT**. This revealed that 8.24% of urban green spaces within the study area were primarily lost to infrastructures and secondarily to residences.

Most lost greens spaces were public green. This implies that the current goal of the municipality of Amsterdam to balance the contradicting planning of rigorous greening and growth within the city borders, has not been met in the past years. This research, therefore, shows that additional policy measures are necessary to support the city’s livability, sustainability and climate adaptability with urban green spaces.

* Normalized Difference Vegetation Index
** Basisregistratie Grootschalige Topografie

Author: Sterre Blok, student Amsterdam University College

Afbeelding credits

Icon afbeelding: Rotonde - Groen | Cédric VT via Unsplash

