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887 results
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    Roads as urban water buffers (video)

    Here you can find one of the video's from the paper presentation session…

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    Low water storage capacity in cities: so what? (video)

    Here you can find the abstract of a research project presented during the…

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    Enabling regulation for a circular society

    Here you can find the abstract of a research project presented during the…

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    Policy Coherence Framework for Circular Built Environment Implementation (abstract)

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    Policy Coherence Framework for Circular Built Environment Implementation

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    A global analysis of multifaceted urbanization and implications for sustainability

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    Safeguarding machine vision in cities

    Paper presentation by researcher: Andrea Mauri

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    Granularity in reciprocity

    Artikel door Caroline Nevejan & Frances Brazier

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    Presence as Performance: Exploring Witnessed Presence

    The performing arts have been concerned with mediating presence through…

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    Paper presentation: A new collaborative & incremental strategy for urban transformation

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    The acceptance of climate adaptation measures in cities - Why the will to fight for climate goals stops in our backyards

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    Bridging AI and Arts for Climate Resilient Cities

    Paper presentation by researcher Anke de Vrieze

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    Agent-based modeling of urban exposome

    Paper presentation by researcher: Tabea Sonnenschein

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    Bewoners OHG over wooniniatief met buurtfunctie

    In de afgelopen maanden heeft OIS in opdracht van De Eester onderzoek…

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    Citizens of Amsterdam informing about algorithms is a 'must'

    How would citizens preferably be informed about algorithms?

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    The Role of Cities in the Circularity Transition (AMS Institute)

    Paper presentation by researcher Joana Wensing

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    Roads as urban water buffers (abstract)

    Here you can find the abstract of a research project presented during the…

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    Lesson learnt from the Amsterdam Atmospheric Monitoring Supersite (abstract)

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    Food loss and waste hotspot identification in the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area for circularity improvement (AMS Institute)

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    Urban Water Storage Capacity

    Urban water storage is vital for preventing flooding and reducing urban…

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    How to deploy AM in European cities? Scenarios and externalities

    Paper presentation by researcher Ines Jaroudi

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    BuurtHubs: shared mobility in the neighbourhood

    Presentation by Smart Mobility City of Amsterdam

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    Supporting increasing ambitions to use urban canals

    Paper presentation by Suzanne van der Meulen

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    The potential of automated minibuses in the socio-technical transformation of the transport system

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    Incentivising user-based redistribution for a free-floating carsharing scheme

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