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887 results
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    Artificial Intelligence for Democracy

    Different parts of the governments are adopting new information and…

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    New Approach to Tackle Major Infrastructure Challenges

    TBA Consortium Session 1

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    Solving the big "puzzle" of food loss and waste upcycling in metropolitan areas (AMS Institute)

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    Reinventing cities into sustainable inclusive places

    Panel discussion by Eveline Buter, Jan Duffues and Sigrid Wertheim

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    Program Reinventing the City

    Program of the Scientific Conference of the AMS Institute from February 16

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    Keynote: Sitopia - How Food Can Save the World

    Presentation by researcher Carolyn Steel

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    Conference Opening Future City

    Presentation by Eveline van Leeuwen

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    Reflection - Space&Matter

    Presentation by Tjeerd Haccou

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    Keynote: how we need to rebuild our thinking about cities from the ground up

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    Conference Opening Integral City

    Presentation by Josja van der Veer

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    Conference Opening Reinvented City

    Presentation by Carolien Gehrels

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    Reflection - Senseable City Laboratory and Carlo Ratti Associati

    Presentation by Carlo Ratti

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    Keynote: Releasing the Untapped Potential

    Presentation by Anna König mayor of Stockholm

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    Identifying the potential early and late adopters of shared electric mobility hubs

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    Beleidsmonitor Diversiteit 2022

    Gemeenteraad 17 februari 2022

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    Verkenning Nationaal Trans-Atlantisch Slavernijmuseum

    Gemeenteraad 17 februari 2022

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    Economische Verkenningen MRA 2021

    Gemeenteraad 17 februari 2022

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    Waarom al stemmen op je 16e veel beter is

    Vorig jaar adviseerde politicoloog Sarah de Lange, als lid van de Raad…

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    Bert Wagendorp in de Lutkemeerpolder (Volkskrant)

    Langs de randen van de Lutkemeerpolder ligt het bouwzand voor het…

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    Signalling & Control Metro januari 2022

    Gemeenteraad 17 februari 2022

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    2e Bijeenkomst Werkplaats der Werkplaatsen 09-02-2022

    Bestuurlijke voorbereiding & Onderzoeksagenda's

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    Two-pager: Biobased Bouwen

    Cirkelstad (2020)

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    Video: BIM Loket D-Day 2021 | Arjen Adriaanse: Digitaal transformeren in de gebouwde omgeving

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    Voorbeeldovereenkomst met universiteiten

    Promotieregeling gemeente Amsterdam

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    Onderzoek corporate communicatiemiddelen


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    Onderzoek Wonen in Amsterdam 2021


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