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887 results
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    Panel discussion: How can we make mobility more inclusive?

    Moderated by Isobel Duxfield

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    Shared bicycles: their role in the optimal mix of nodes

    Presentation by researcher Niels van Oort (TU Delft)

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    Can PED's help to mitigate energy poverty?

    Paper presentation by researcher: Adam Hearn

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    The Routing Company

    Presentation by Menno van der Zee

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    On Demand Multi Model Transit Systems

    Paper presentation by reseacher Pascal van Hentenryck

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    Shared Automated Vehicles in Austin

    Presentation by drs. Kara Kockelman

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    Lived experince and energy vulnerability in Smart City-projects

    Paper presentation by researcher: Luca Lamonaca

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    Urban Ecology: making the living city

    Designs & Interventions for Amsterdam Science Park

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    Design for the value of presence (publication)

    Chapter by Nevejan and Brazier in 'Handbook of ethics, values and…

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    Communicatie-onderzoek voorschool


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    Preschool gardens as cooling spots in Poznań. Insights towards potential for urban transitions (abstract)

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    Defining the Technical Potential of Green Roof Systems, a case study in Amsterdam

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    Assessing urban ecosystem services in support of spatial planning in the Hague, the Netherlands (full paper)

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    Exploring COVID-19 vaccine confidence in the case of people with a Moroccan ethnic background in Amsterdam

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    Witnessed Presence and the YUTPA framework

    Artikel van Caroline Nevejan

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    Wonen in amsterdam (WiA) leefbaarheid rapportcijfers bewoners

    Significante ontwikkelingen 2017-2019 Nieuw-West

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    Urban growth in the city (AMS Institute)

    Keynote session by: Ard van de Kreeke

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    Wonen in Amsterdam (WiA) leefbaarheid rapportcijfers bewoners

    Significante ontwikkelingen 2019-2021 Nieuw-West

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    Improving accessibility in Amsterdam

    Velen van ons beschouwen dagelijkse activiteiten zoals zelfstandig het…

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    Using Artificial Intelligence to measure accessibility

    De gemeente Amsterdam heeft de ambitie om haar burgers zo veel mogelijk…

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    Sidewalk’s walkability in Amsterdam

    Amsterdam heeft de ambitie om toegankelijk te worden voor alle burgers.

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    9 Digital tools for city accessibility

    Als onderdeel van ons Amsterdam for All-project heeft het team van…

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    Enabling regulation for a circular society

    This is a video of a paper presentations within the session "Policy and…

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    Introduction: Multifunctional neighbourhood hubs for liveable cities

    This is the introduction ot the session of Multifunctional neighbourhood…

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    An interview about Haltebuddy: personalizing accessibility information in public transport.

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    Lessons learnt from the Amsterdam Atmospheric Monitoring Supersite (video)

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    Co-design Urban organic waste solutions

    The purpose of this workshop is to bring together stakeholders…

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    A digital tool supporting human-centered design of inclusive urban interventions

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    AI wordt ingezet voor de verbetering van toegankelijkheid in Amsterdam

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    "It depends" - on the Success of using Waste Statistics to Monitor the Circular Economy in Amsterdam Metropolitan Area

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    Flatten the Curve: A new energy exchange approach

    Paper presentation by researchers: Palazzolo Henkes, Cerezo & Galdys

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    Design Sprint Monitor of Circular Economy

    Virtual co-design session

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