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887 results
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    Who is where?

    This tool is part of the forming phase of the team. In this phase you get…

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    Value Mapping

    This tool is for mapping the stakeholders, parners and users. What do they…

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    Shared Vision

    This tool is meant to conduct and guide a multi-stakeholder shared vision.

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    Partner mapping

    This tool is for mapping the stakeholders, parners and users. What do they…

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    Living Lab Flow (AMS Institute)

    This is a visual representation of the several development phases a Living…

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    Context and location mapping

    Analysing the location & context is a fundamental action in your Living…

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    Living Lab Roadmap (AMS Institute)

    This tool helps you to design a Living Lab and gives more insight in…

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    Nighttime heat - a workshop on data and maps needed to adapt cities to increasing nighttime heat

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    CIRCUL AIR SLOPEN de kunst van het hergebruik

    Ingenii Bouwinnovatie (2021)

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    Reinventing local and regional food-systems

    Paper presentations by researchers Angel Lazaro, Katrine Soma and Koen van…

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    Data-driven tools for urban transformations towards climate-resilience and sustainability

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    Programmaplan Digitaal Stelsel Gebouwde Omgeving (DSGO) in vogelvlucht

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    Verkenning naar Bouwhubs

    C-Creators (2021)

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    Hand in Hand to the Periphery we go

    An ethnographic account of artists and community participation in…

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    Leefbaarheid in Zuidoost

    Naar aanleiding van de survey Wonen in Amsterdam 2021

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    3D - Amsterdam

    3D Amsterdam is growing into a platform on which more and more information…

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    Onderzoek cameratoezicht in Amsterdam 2021 + bijlage

    In Amsterdam worden alle gebieden waar cameratoezicht is ter handhaving…

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    O&S Lunchsessie Materialen in de stad: Hoe circulair is onze economie?

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    Scientific Article: The Impact of e-Mobility in Positive Energy Districts

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    Scientific Article: Energy Citizenship in New Energy Concepts

    It is a common understanding that the successful development and…

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    Scientific Article: Energy Citizenship in Positive Energy Districts

    Towards a Transdisciplinary Approach to Impact Assessment

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    The Next Steps: Reflection and looking forward

    Discussion with Eveline van Leeuwen, Caroline Nevejan, Emiel Reiding and…

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    Panel discussion

    Panel discussion with Eefje Cuppen, Pallas Agterberg, Pepijn Duijvestein…

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    Panel discussion

    Panel discussion with Sasha Stolp, Sanda Lenzholzer, Pablo van der Lugt…

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    Reflection video (AMS Institute)

    Presentation by Ard van de Kreeke

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    Onderzoeksrapportage: Participeren kan je leren

    Veldonderzoek naar participatiebeleid onder Amsterdamse jongeren in…

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    2022: Docking the Amsterdam

    Dit is het spectaculaire plan om het schip De Amsterdam te lichten en…

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    Rhythm of the streets: A street classification framework based on pedestrian activity patterns

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    Walking narratives: Perceptions of safety for women in Mumbai

    Paper presentatie by researcher: Shruti Maliwar

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