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887 results
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    Chapter 6: Education

    How and why should we train students and researchers in interdisciplinary…

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    Chapter 7: System

    What is the influence of funding, publishing and promotion?

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    Chapter 3: Goal

    When is interdisciplinarity necessary or of added value?

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    Interdisciplinarity Beyond the Buzzword: Full publication

    A Guide to Academic Work Across Disciplines

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    De (ver)huismus

    Dit filmpje gaat over een project waarbij we rekening houden met de…

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    Wetenschap met de ramen wijd open

    Tien lessen voor wie impact wil maken

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    Research Day Conference Proceedings 2017

    Publication by the European Network of Living Labs

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    How is Amsterdam governed?

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    Launch project Amsterdam for All - March 3rd 2022

    Amsterdam uses Artificial Intelligence to measure accessibility of the city

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    Workshop: Living Lab Roadmap and Canvas

    Presentation by Leendert Verhoef and Else Veldman

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    Hoe de digitale eeuw ons niet onder een koude douche laat staan

    Bacheloreindproject Thomas Jochem, TU Delft

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    Warmtenetwerk van de toekomst; te hoge aanlegkosten verleden tijd?

    Bacheloreindproject Thom van den Akerboom, TU Delft

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    5e generatie warmtenetwerk, de toekomst van verwarmen van woningen

    Bacheloreindproject Stijn Lagerwey, TU Delft

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    Stadswarmte in Amsterdam Arenapoort in een systeem met twee warmtebronnen

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    Wat is a Constitutional State

    We only speak of a constitutional state if the power of the government is…

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    Video: What does the Weesp Board Committee do?

    On 14, 15 and 16 March 2022, the elections for the municipal council, the…

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    Video: How is the Netherlands governed?

    The Netherlands is a parliamentary democracy, in which the citizen chooses…

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    Video: What does a District Committee do?

    On 14, 15 and 16 March 2022, the elections for the municipal council, the…

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