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887 results
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    Video: How does the city council work?

    On 14, 15 and 16 March 2022, the elections for the municipal council, the…

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    MSc Thesis - Implementation of change in the municipality

    By Regina Aukes

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    A Living Lab Way of Working

    This report presents a simple methodology for setting up urban living labs.

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    Explaining "Solving the big puzzle" (AMS Institute)

    Explanation of the presentation by researcher Marta Rodriguez-Illera

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    Gemeenten moeten veel actiever worden met preventie

    Vanwege de snel groeiende zorguitgaven groeit vanuit verschillende hoeken…

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    Gender differences in political media coverage: a meta-analysis

    Do the media cover men and women politicians and candidates differently?

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    Analyzing politicians' media criticism on social media

    A growing literature on the impact of “fake news“accusations on legacy…

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    Yikes! Are we disgusted by politicians?

    In the political domain, disgust is primarily portrayed as an emotion that…

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    Hoe beïnvloeden de emoties van politici ons als kiezer?

    Normaal gesproken zijn emoties erg besmettelijk, vooral van mensen die je…

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    Video: Accessible and understandable elections

    Each person counts. Each vote counts.

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    Welke rol spelen genderstereotypes bij verkiezingen?

    Werken klassieke genderstereotypes ook door in ons beeld van politici? En…

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    Artikel: ‘Vroeg of laat moet de politie gezichtsherkenning gaan gebruiken’

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    Wat is de Digitale Perimeter?

    In aanloop naar het EK voetbal in 2021 is eind september 2019 de…

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    Green paper - Hoogwaardig hergebruik

    Cirkelstad (2021)

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    Tada waardensessie Digitale Perimeter

    Verschillende betrokkenen binnen de Digitale Perimeter zijn samengekomen…

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    Podcast - Waar vind je tweedehands bouwmaterialen?

    BNR Bouwmeester (2020)

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    Beschikbaarheid en gebruik secundaire bouwmaterialen en producten

    RVO, Matthijs Timmermans (rijkstrainee), Joep van de Weijer, Irma Thijssen…

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    Circulaire verdienmodellen; praktische handvatten voor ondernemers

    KPMG, Copper8. Kennedy van der Laan (2019)

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    Onderzoek voorwaarden gebruik bouwmarkplaatsen

    Repurpose, IMIX projecten BV (2018)

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    Why do we need Living Labs?

    Presentation by Ellen van Bueren

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    What are living labs? (AMS Institute)

    Presentation by Leendert Verhoef

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    Who is who, interview

    This tool is part of the forming phase of the team. In this phase you get…

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    Who is who, draw each other

    This tool is part of the forming phase of the team. In this phase you get…

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    Problem statement, User needs and Change

    Describe what the actual challenge of the LL is and for whom.

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    Team up, design a flag

    This tool is part of the forming phase of the team. In this phase you get…

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