
The Low Car City Living Lab

MSc MADE Living Lab Course 2022

This Living Lab project is part of the MSc MADE program. During the program, students attend the Living Lab Course. They choose a challenge in the city. For solving this challenge, the students use the Living Lab methodology. This project focusses on the accessibility of P+R spots in the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area. Amsterdam wants to become a low car city, but many people from outside Amsterdam still travel to the city by car, because the public transport systems in place are not efficient enough to travel to Amsterdam. P+R can offer a temporary solution to reach the city efficiently without allowing cars into it. For policy makers, tangible guidlines were written during this living lab.

Watch the video here.

Download the app here.

Read the guidelines here.

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Afbeelding credits

Header afbeelding: Banner MADE Living Lab Projects 2022 (1).png

Icon afbeelding: P+R - Photo by by Elmar Gubisch.png