
How to Label a Point Cloud using CloudCompare software

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In this video, we show how to label 3D point cloud data in CloudCompare software. The different steps can be followed in the following time frames:

  • 0:00 Some parts of the point cloud are already automatically labelled using this Github project:
  • 0:15 split the point cloud in labelled and unlabelled points.
  • 0:25 Perform the point cloud clustering. This clustering algorithm is accessible via an icon in the upper main toolbar or the 'Tools - Segmentation - Label Connected Comp.' option in the menu.
  • 0:35 Label the point cloud data by adding class labels to the clusters. This tool is accessible via an icon in the upper main toolbar or the 'Edit - Scalar fields - Add constant SF' menu.
  • 1:00 Remove connected points to create separate object groups. This tool is accessible via the ‘Edit - Segment' menu.
  • 1:25 Merge the point clouds with 'Edit - Merge' in the menu, or via the icon in the upper main toolbar.


Auteur: Chris Eijgenstein

Dit artikel is afkomstig van: How to Label a Point Cloud using CloudCompare software (

Afbeelding credits

Header afbeelding: Point cloud 2

Icon afbeelding: Point cloud 2


How to Label a Point Cloud using CloudCompare software