
Rift Valley Lakes (Ethiopia)

Improved water allocation and irrigation efficiency in the Ziway-Shalla basin

In Ethiopia, water resources are scarce in dry periods and demands are expected to increase. With the Sustainable Water Fund project Ziway Shalla, World Waternet is part of a consortium aiming at improving water allocation in and around the freshwater lake Ziway Shalla, a sub-basin within Rift Valley Lakes Basin, including all relevant stakeholders. We support the RVLBA to strengthen their role in river basin management and enforcement, particularly in the field of water allocation planning.

Our impact

Together with our expert partners, we will engage in institutional strengthening of the RVLBA, aiming to enhance the organisation with the right infrastructure and capacities to manage the basin resources responsibly, based on real-time data and clear internal procedures, while covering its operational costs from water revenues.


  • Support the RVLBA with the development of the Water Allocation Plan.
  • Institutional capacity building activities at the RVLBA for Water Allocation Plan implementation, integral basin management, revenue collection, financial planning and management.


  • Water resources management implemented.
  • Increased water-use efficiency across all sectors and water stress reduced in Rift Valley Lakes Basin by implementation of water allocation plans.

Source: World Waternet - Rift Valley Lakes

Afbeelding credits

Icon afbeelding: Flickrs - Ethiopia