
Blue Deal - Tana (Kenya)

Sustainable water management in the Upper Tana Basin

With the aim to link up with the ongoing WaterWorX project in Nairobi on improving access to water for inhabitants of Nairobi, this Blue Deal project started in September 2019 to contribute to ensuring sustainable water management in the area where Nairobi takes it water from: the Upper Tana Basin. This partnership with WRA was initiated in 2017 and focuses on water availability/scarcity and water allocation in two sub-catchments in the Upper Tana.

Impact & activities

Main deliverables are a water allocation plan and the existing sub-catchment management plans will be revised. Upscaling to other geographical areas and extending to water quality issues will be taken up from the second phase onwards.

Project updates

Each quarter, a newsletter is put together providing project updates:

Link WaterWorX project in Nairobi

Source: World Waternet - Blue Deal

Afbeelding credits

Icon afbeelding: Wikimedia Commons - Kenya

