
Zhuhai (China)

Europe-China initiative for climate resilience measures in Zhuhai

With a coastline stretching 690km and subject to tropical hurricanes during summer, Zhuhai is exposed to high risks of extreme weather conditions, including typhoons, heavy rainstorms and floods. Resilience pilot projects are designed to help Zhuhai city, one of EC-Link’s pilot cities, better understand the challenges it faces in urban resilience development, review its ability to face them and unite its people, projects, and priorities, and thus reduce vulnerabilities to expected and unexpected impacts of climate change.

Our impact

Strategies for the sustainable development and growth of Zhuhai must integrate adaptation planning in order to reduce vulnerabilities to expected and unexpected impacts of climate change. The projects in Zhuhai for building a resilient city will act as a template to provide local experiences and good models of urban resilience for larger-scale or nation-wide practice.

Activities & results

Together with Palmbout Urban Landscapes we collaboratively wrote a 'consulting report for guidelines, principles and process for a resilient Zhuhai' that showcases the Dutch approach. Three pilot projects in different areas of Zhuhai have been designed to help Zhuhai better understand the challenges it faces in urban resilience development, review its ability to face them and unite its people, projects and priorities:

1. Qianhuan area (resilient design for green belt park and surroundings)
2. Old city centre (public engagement/participation for neighborhood resilient design)
3. Hengqing & Jinwan coast areas (identification of opportunities for levee & water network planning)

Source: World Waternet - Zhuhai

Afbeelding credits

Icon afbeelding: PIxabay - Zhuhai