
Shimla (India)

Improving water supply and sanitation services in Shimla

India is a lower middle income country. Shimla aims to improve the access to drinking water, to start investments in sanitation and wastewater treatment and the introduction of a sustainable and climate proof approach. The GSWSSC, known as ‘The Circle’, is formed in 2016 out of three former governmental organisations after the event of an outbreak of Jaundice with 30 casualties. This was caused due to technical and organisational failure. The aim is to obtain a stable institution, that can challenge the technical and organisational difficulties. Investments are needed in Shimla for drinking water supply, wastewater treatment, sanitation and adaptation to climate change, which are provided through a World Bank loan.

Our impact

Our activities ultimately benefit the inhabitants of Shimla. We carry out this project in cooperation with World Bank. We provide institutional support as part of the World Bank loan.


  • Improved production drinking water for 50.000 people.
  • Restored wastewater treatment plants.
  • Institutional strengthening of the organisation to run their operations and finance autonomously and hold themselves accountable.

Obtained results

  • Technical support on limitations in technique of drinking water production, non-revenue water, customer relations and wastewater treatment plant.
  • Improvement of capacity on strategic planning and programming main activities 2018-2023.

Source: World Waternet - Shimla

Afbeelding credits

Icon afbeelding: Flickr - Shimla India