
Cape Town (South Africa)

Sanitation improvement for informal settlement Monwabisi Park

The Western Cape is facing a rapid growth of informal settlements and Cape Town and surroundings is facing a serious water shortage. Providing services, including water is a major challenge. Improving efficiency is therefore urgently needed.

Our impact

This project was especially meant to improve the sanitation facilities and reduce open air defecation of Monwabisi Park (20.000 inhabitants), together with VPUU, local universities and inhabitants.


  • Investigated options for collection and treatment of household wastewater in informal settlements.
  • Involvement of inhabitants in finding solutions.

Obtained results

  • Study on technical solutions for grey and black wastewater and anthropological aspects in informal settlements.

Source: World Waternet - Cape Town

Afbeelding credits

Icon afbeelding: Pixabay - South Africa