
Are Ethnic Minorities Disadvantaged?

The Employment Participation and Occupational Status of Moroccan and Turkish Second Generation Migrants in the Netherlands

We use data from the 2009/10 Wave of the Netherlands Longitudinal Lifecourse Study to analyze the employment participation and occupational status of Moroccan and Turkish Second Generation Migrants (SGM) in the Netherlands. By considering measures of family background (i.e. parental education, cultural capital) and skills (i.e. linguistic proficiency, numeracy abilities) we provide a more refined analyses of ethnic differences in the labor market than previous studies on SGM. Results show important ethnic differences in how family background and human capital affect labor market outcomes. We find that men’s employment participation is unevenly low amongst Moroccan and Turkish SGM, even after controlling for family background, education, and skills. For women, the low levels of employment participation of Moroccan and Turkish SGM are largely explained by family background, whereas linguistic proficiency also reduces substantially their low employment participation, especially amongst Turkish SGM. For occupational status, men from Turkish origins are the only disadvantaged group, yet this is entirely explained by their social origins. Finally, women from Moroccan and Turkish origins are not disadvantaged in their occupational status, and clearly achieve higher occupational positions than their counterparts with Dutch-born parents coming from similar family backgrounds.

Working Paper 2014/1

Are Ethnic Minorities Disadvantaged? The Employment Participation and Occupational Status of Moroccan and Turkish Second Generation Migrants in the Netherlands.

Authors: Pablo Gracia, Lucia Vazquez and Herman G. van de Werfhorst 


Bron: website UvA

Afbeelding credits

Icon afbeelding: Fotograaf: George Maas. De Kameleon, uit fotobank gemeente Amsterdam

