
Big Data, Big Impact?

Global Gender Data Gap

The global gender data gap persists and our knowledge of the lives of women and girls remains insufficient to meet the challenge of designing policies to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Yet we live in an era of big data; massive amounts of information stream from cell phones, laptops, remote sensors, and an evergrowing host of technologies, even in the least developed and most isolated places in the world. Transforming this flood of data into actionable knowledge about the lives of women and girls is one of the great technical and moral tests of the 21st century.

Big Data, Big Impact? Towards Gender-Sensitive Data Systems summarizes the findings and potential policy implications of the Big Data for Gender pilot projects funded by Data2X, and lays out five cross-cutting messages that emerge from this body of work:

  1. Big data offers unique insights on women and girls.
  2. Gender-sensitive big data is ready to scale and integrate with traditional data.
  3. Identify and correct bias in big datasets.
  4. Protect the privacy of women and girls.
  5. Women and girls must be central to data governance.

This report argues that the time for pilot projects has passed. Data privacy concerns must be addressed; investment in scale up is needed. Big data offers great potential for women and girls, and indeed for all people.


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