Discussed issues: services for children and the youth, grouping men (groupsmannen), not functional public spaces, loneliness of seniors (+55 years), youth and the LGBTI+ community.

DRSR Kick-Off, Poster Groep 3.jpg

Services for children and the youth: There are many opinions that the services provided by the municipality for the younger people are not sufficient. It is suggested to understand this issue better by looking at the daily rhythms of the children and youth; what do they do during their free time, where do they go, who are they? These daily rhythms can be compared to what is offered by the municipality to explore the match between requests and what is offered. Is it really true that the services are not enough?

Grouping men (groupsmannen): Who are these men, are they really a specific defined group? There are many complaints reported agains the grouping men, and it would be good to explore whether there are specific illegal activities occurring in these groups, or, whether this is a perception issue. Perhaps what appears are men grouped together from one side, but looking from another perspective can give more insight to what is happening.

Not functional public spaces: Many public spaces are built around a ‘boulevard’ style, but it can also be suggested that this style causes problems. It can only be arrived by foot, making it hard to travel by bike, or to park cars nearby. Also trash is a big issue in the public spaces, people don’t seem to take care well of these areas. Same issues are suggested for semi-private areas such as galleries inside the shopping areas and stair cases of the housing buildings. 

Loneliness of seniors (+55 years), youth and the LGBTI+ community: It is reported that many residents define themselves as lonely, especially the vulnerable age groups and communities. In order to further understand this issue, the first question can be about defining loneliness, and to get insights from the different groups that suffer from it. Furthermore, it is suggested to further explore what is offered by the municipality; what are the facilities of children, young people and older generation, and whether they are sufficient or not.


DRSR Kick-off, photo groep 3

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