
REPAiR Project

In onderzoeksproject Resource Management in Peri-Urban Areas: Going beyond Metabolism, oftewel RePair, werken achttien partners verspreid over zes verschillende locaties in EU-landen samen. Doel: het vinden van concrete instrumenten om circulaire economie te realiseren in de praktijk. Amsterdam, Gent en Hamburg hebben ruimte voor meer ‘resource efficiency’ en circulariteit in de industriële sector, vooral in de bouwsector. Daarnaast is de verschuiving van de verbranding van afval in de richting van recycling kansrijk.

The key challenge for REPAiR is to integrate models and methods from, among others, the environmental sciences, geographic sciences and economic sciences with design and spatial planning methods, both on a software and process level.

The integrated models and methods will enable local and regional stakeholders to use the geodesign decision support environment (GDSE) within a workshop setting to develop fast and reliable alternatives for spatial sustainable development strategies. The main objective of REPAiR is to demonstrate the feasibility and validity of the GDSE as a tool for enhancing waste and resource management

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REPAiR op Amsterdamsmartcity

REPAiR project op AMS-institute

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