

Comprehensive theory ond active mode traffic behaviour (pedestrians, bicycles)

The researchers of Allegro are developing and empirically underpinning comprehensive behavioural theories, conceptual models and mathematical models to explain and predict the dynamics of pedestrians, cyclists and mixed flows within an urban context. Understanding the behavior of pedestrians and cyclists is a major challenge in traffic and transportation theory. Over 5 years, the ALLEGRO project investigates different behavioral levels, including walking, cycling, travel, scheduling and learning.

Gemeente Amsterdam participeert in dit project, dat loopt tot november 2020.

The Dutch scientist Serge P. Hoogendoorn is the principal investigator of Allegro-project. He has a full time employment with the Delft University of Technology and is the principal investigator Mobility for the Amsterdam Institute of Advanced Metropolitan Solutions.

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The Allegro-project is funded by Horizon 2020, the biggest EU Research and Innovation programme. The support was granted by the European Research C

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Afbeelding credits

Icon afbeelding: Herinrichting Muntplein rode loper, fotograaf Alphons Nieuwenhuis