
Keynote: Cities as Living Labs

Cities as test sites for innovations.


Carlo Ratti's keynote explored the transformative impact of the Internet of Things on urban environments, turning cities into Living Labs for technology. He highlighted how cities become test sites for innovations, both deliberately and organically.

‘‘Recently, we have started to see the city as a living being, allowing us to investigate, for example, mobility patterns in a different way.’’

Ratti discussed how new technologies, like real-time cell phone data analytics, reveal intricate mobility patterns, showing that people don't always take the shortest path. This data can repurpose parking spaces, enhancing urban design.

He also emphasized the potential of autonomous innovations, like boats and responsive architecture, to dynamically respond to emergencies. Technologies such as city scanners on garbage trucks can efficiently monitor air quality across entire cities.

Ratti concluded that these advancements allow us to realize long-desired urban improvements, transforming how we understand and interact with our cities.


Recorded during the Scientific Conference Reinventing the City 2024 in Pakhuis de Zwijger, Amsterdam.

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