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Keyword (organisatie): Koninklijke Academie van Wetenschappen

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66 results
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    Wankele sokkels - Omstreden monumenten in de openbare ruimte

    Vrijheid van meningsuiting, óók over omstreden monumenten, hoort bij de…

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    Outcomes from the First European Planetary Health Hub Convening at ARTIS in Amsterdam

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    Academische vrijheden in Nederland - wat staat er op het spel? (introductie boek)

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    Podcast Planetary Health (KNAW) - Afl. 3. Klimaatverandering en gezondheid, wat kunnen we doen?

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    Podcast Planetary Health (KNAW) - Afl. 2. Hoe beïnvloedt biodiversiteit onze gezondheid?

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    De Koninklijke Academie van Wetenschappen over open wetenschap

    'Publicaties en onderzoeksdata moeten vrij toegankelijk zijn'

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    Annual Speech KNAW 2023: The value of knowledge

    By KNAW-president Marileen Dogterom

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    China's influence on education in the Netherlands

    An exploring by the Clingendael Institute (2020)

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    Knowledge in sight

    The Rathenau Instituut on the consequences of the digital arms race (2019)

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    Academic freedom in the Netherlands: a conceptual analysis and guidance

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    National knowledge security

    Guide by and for knowledge institutions i.c.w. with Rijksoverheid (2022)

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    KNAW-speech: Academic freedom as a task

    By Peter-Paul Verbeek, rector magnificus van de UvA, 2023

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    Friend or Foe? (podcast)

    Podcast series by Saar Slegers, journalist in residence at NIAS, 2023

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    Symposium Planetary Health (KNAW)

    Wat weten we over de effecten van mondiale milieuveranderingen op de…

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    Podcast Planetary Health (KNAW) - Afl. 1. Zijn er meer infectieziekten door mondiale milieuveranderingen?

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    Planetary Health - an emerging field to be developed

    The conditions for life on Earth are changing profoundly. The climate…

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    Open science op de oever

    Publieke betrokkenheid bij onderzoek naar waterkwaliteit

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    In de geest van open science

    Publieke betrokkenheid bij onderzoek in de psychiatrie

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    In open science toont zich de meester

    Publieke betrokkenheid bij onderwijsonderzoek

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    Moving forward together with open science

    Towards meaningful public engagement with research

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    Note on Recognizing and appreciating researchers

    How can open science come about sustainable?

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    Video: Presentations on Digital Urban Citizenship

    Digitalisation is changing the way how we define and organize our society

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    Economic Crisis and Migration

    This article develops a perspective on African migrant integration

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    Rethinking belonging in the Era of Social Media: Migration and Presence

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    Back to Basics: Stateless Women and Children in Greece

    European societies are effectively witnessing a growing refugee crisis in…

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    Integration: a hot button issue. Contextualising Multiculturalism and Integration in Amsterdam

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    COVID-19 Point Blank: Language, Migration, and the Pandemic as a Political Issue

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    Migration, Asylum and Solidarity: Sorry, is that a euphemism?

    This blog brings together perspectives of race and the politics of…

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    The Citizenship of the Non-Citizen

    Essay by Markha Valenta (Dutch)

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    Onderzoeksvoorstel - Heleen Janssen

    Can a "data intermediary" help local government to overcome issues of…

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    The Pandemic Academic

    How Covid-19 has impacted the research community

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    Digital threats to democracy

    On new technology and disinformation

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