
Pinar Sefkatli

PhD Candidate, AISSR

Pinar Sefkatli is PhD candidate as part of the chair Designing Urban Experience at the University of Amsterdam. Her research formulates rhythm as a concept for understanding the social life in cities and for identifying design spaces for social issues, through engaging with the context of Amsterdam Zuidoost. Pinar studied architecture at Delft University of Technology (2015) and at the Polytechnic University of Milan (2013). Before starting her PhD, she collaborated with architecture studios from Amsterdam and Rotterdam, was research assistant at City Rhythm research (2018) and worked for the Chief Science Office at the city of Amsterdam.

  • Collection (4)

    DRSR Research Context

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    DRSR Kick-Off | Presentatie Groep 1

    Issues related with the development of Amstel III

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    DRSR Kick-Off | Presentatie Groep 2

    Suggested issues: Garbage/waste (afval), Amsterdamse Poort, children (4-12…

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    DRSR Kick-Off | Presentatie Groep 3

    Discussed issues: services for children and the youth, grouping men…

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    DRSR Kick-Off | Presentatie Groep 4

    Issues about small children (9 months to 2 years old) and their parents

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    Case 1: Nuisance in the Public Space

    (Overlast in de Openbare Ruimte)

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    Case 2: Poverty, Work and Unemployment

    (Armoede, werk en werkloosheid)

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    Case 3: Services for Children and Parents

    (Voorzieningen voor kinderen en ouders)

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    Case 4: Loneliness of the seniors, youth and the LGBTI+ community (Eenzaamheid van senioren, jongeren en LGBTI+)

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  • Collection (9)

    Kick-Off DRSR

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    DRSR Application Form

    Official NWO application form of the Designing Rhythms for Social…

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  • Collection (1)

    DRSR 2024 Take-off collection

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  • Collection (4)

    Rhythm artistic research

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  • Collection (6)

    Rhythm interdisciplinary scientific research

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  • Collection (14)

    Rhythm publications

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  • Collection (9)

    Summer School and Artistic Training on Rhythm…

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  • 2018-2019 Summer School and Artistic Training on…

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  • Collection (3)

    Rhythm Research Collection

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  • DRSR 2020 - 2024 Data

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    City Rhythm, Logbook of an Exploration

    Research publication of the exploratory research into rhythm and policy…

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    Rhythm Matters! How Rhythm Analysis Bridges Architecture and Sociology

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    When the Rhythm Zones Meet

    Territories and patterns of relationship for better understanding trash

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    City Rhythm: An Approach to Urban Rhythm Analysis

    Article published in "Rhythm and Critique" (2020), Edited by Paola Crespi…

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  • Kenniswerkplaats Schone Stad

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  • Energy Lab Southeast

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  • Collection (2)


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    Coöperatieve Vereniging Westside

    Westside Slotermeer is een bewonerscoöperatie, wat betekent dat…

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    Hotel Buiten

    Hotel Buiten is een creatieve en inspirerende plek, voornamelijk opgebouwd…

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  • Werkruimte CSO Team

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    Doet de huidige bijstandswet recht aan vertrouwen in de burger?

    Whitepaper door Evelien Meester

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  • Collection (13)

    Bewonersinitiatieven Nieuw-West

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    Video - Samenmarkt

    Together with Olaf van Koten, Frances Brazier, Coen Hubers en Michel Oey…

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  • Collection (8)

    Changing Rhythms During the Pandemic in Amsterdam…

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    Print Version | Changing Rhythms During the Pandemic in Amsterdam Zuidoost

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    Full Publication | Changing Rhythms During the Pandemic in Amsterdam Zuidoost

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    Part 5: Reflections on the Research

    This publication presented ten graduation projects from the sociology…

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    Part 4: Changing Rhythms of Cultural Institutions and Public Spaces

    As in many places, Amsterdam’s cultural and commercial places have faced…

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    Part 3: Changing Rhythms in Community Spaces

    Amsterdam Zuidoost is a city borough with a dense community landscape.

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    Part 2: Changing Rhythms of the Youth, Students and Families

    35% of residents of Amsterdam Zuidoost are younger than 27 years1. 6.981…

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    Part 1: City Rhythm Research in Amsterdam Zuidoost

    The projects presented in this publication will focus on the changing…

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    Foreword and Contents

    In the lockdown regulations due to the COVID-19 pandemic, social…

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    Changing Rhythms During the Pandemic in Amsterdam Zuidoost

    Rhythms are part of many aspects of urban life. The cities are organised…

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    Kun je bouwen op vertrouwen?

    Afgaand op berichten in de media is het beroerd gesteld met het vertrouwen…

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    Granularity in reciprocity

    Artikel door Caroline Nevejan & Frances Brazier

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    Vertrouwen in elkaar en in de samenleving

    WRR Working paper nr. 26 - Hans Schmeets

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    Pandemic preparedness and COVID-19: an exploratory analysis of infection and fatality rates, and contextual factors associated with…

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  • Collection (0)

    Pinar Sefkatli: Rhythms for Social Resilience

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  • Atlantis Municipality

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  • Collection (0)

    Open Set Seminar Session #6 - Traces of Rhythms:…

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  • Collection (2)

    Open Set Seminar session #1 - Rhythm as Territory

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    Tides of Tourism

    Exploration Part of "Values for Survival", International Exploratorium…

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    Emio Greco

    Trailer of ROCCO / 2011 / choreography Emio Greco I Pieter C. Scholten

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    DRSR Research Design

    Composition of the research team and the timeline of our collaboration

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  • Collection (0)

    Youth Unemployment in Amsterdam Zuidoost

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  • Collection (0)

    The Emergence of Trash in the K-buurt, Amsterdam…

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    Tacit Engagement Beyond Interaction, Satinder P. Gill (2015)

    Introduces the relational interface, which questions the historical idea…

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    Ritme: op zoek naar een terugkerende tijd

    Marli Huijer, 2015

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  • Collection (3)

    Open Set Seminar #4 - Complexity of Rhythms

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    On Urban Reflection

    Responses on the Inaugural Lecture by Prof. dr. Caroline Nevejan

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    Complexity, Design, Experience, Rhythm and Reflection

    Summary of the round table discussions

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    Integrating Diverse Rhythms

    Workshop by Sirishkumar Manji (Tabla Master)

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  • Collection (3)

    Seminar Session #3 - Scales of Rhythm: Through…

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    Performative Reintegration

    a performative lecture by Dr. Maria Estrada Fuentes (Performance artist…

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  • Collection (3)

    Open Set Seminar session #5 - Traces of Rhythms:…

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    Ghetto Romanticism: Essentialist Notions of Black Culture and the Neoliberal Welfare State

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    River Amstel reflecting the city. Archaeology of the North/South metro line

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    Project Impossible in Nothing, 2016-2018

    a talk by Thierry Oussou (artist)

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    City Rhythms: An Approach to Urban Rhythm Analysis (2020)

    Chapter 8, Rhythm and Critique, Edinburgh University Press, edited by…

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    City Rhythm Amsterdam Zuidoost Case

    How can single mothers participate more actively in education, work and…

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    De Stad als Orkest

    Tomas van Dijk from TU Delft's Delta Integraal Magazine has written an…

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    MSc Thesis TU Delft - Building a Housing Block with Rhythm in Addis Ababa

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    Chapter 9: Tides of Tourism

    In this track we investigate tourism as a spatio-temporal phenomenon, with…

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    Uploading & Asking for Publication

    Guideline manual for creating and publishing your work on openresearch…

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  • Flying Money Conference

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    Learning by doing research

    In 2016, I had the chance to work with around 200 students in four minor…

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    Introduction to the Exploratorium Program

    Organized by the Chief Science Officer (City of Amsterdam), We are here…

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  • Collection (15)

    2020 International Online Exploratorium for 21st…

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    Gebiedsplan Gaasperdam Driemond 2019

    + Jongeren ondersteunen zich beter te ontwikkelen
    + Armoede verminderen:…

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  • Groen in de Buurt

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    Facts about Atlantis

    Here are some facts we gathered from the web about Atlantis.

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    Mundus Subterraneus

    Mundus subterraneus, quo universae denique naturae divitiae is a…

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  • Green Office Amsterdam

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    Gebiedsplan Bijlmer Centrum 2019

    + Verbeteren van de kansen voor de jeugd om zich te ontwikkelen
    + Armoede…

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    Gebiedsplan Bijlmer West 2019

    + Bijlmer West draagt bij aan 1Zuidoost
    + Bijlmer West is een complete…

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    Gebiedsplan Bijlmer Oost 2019

    De gemeente wil dat bewoners meer verantwoordelijkheid nemen voor hun…

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    Openbare ruimte in cijfers

    De gemeente heeft de openbare ruimte in beeld gebracht door middel van de…

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  • Focusaanpak

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    Bicycle tourism as an opportunity for re-creation and restoration?

    Investigating the motivations of bike ride participants

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    SWAT-studio Amsterdam Zuidoost

    SWAT will land in Amsterdam (NL) & Preston (UK) and work in collaboration…

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    Documentary SmartCity. In search of the Smart Citizen

    Smart City, looking for the Smart Citizen, a production by researcher…

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  • Expertgroep Eenzaamheid Amsterdam

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    De Ceuvel

    De Ceuvel is een prijswinnende, duurzame broedplaats voor creatieve en…

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  • Digitale Infrastructuur Amsterdam (DI020)

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  • Koppelkansen in het kort

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  • Programma Gedragsbeïnvloeding

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  • About Startup in Residence

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    Vergroening Kwakersplein (Service Design / Place Making / Citizen Driven)

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    Leefstraten in Amsterdam West

    Interview met Mischa Woutersen

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    De Jacoba's

    In de Jacoba’s aan zet bespreken vrouwen hun situatie van armoede en…

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    Street Art Museum Amsterdam

    Overal in Nieuw-West kun je de kleurige kunstwerken van het Street Art…

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    Local community members give new value to plastic waste

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    Buurtwerkplaats Noorderhof

    Interview met Tobias Krasenberg en Peik Suyling

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    I Can Change the World with My Two Hands

    ‘I Can Change the World with My Two Hands ’ laat zien wat er mogelijk is…

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    Tuinen van West

    Ondernemersvereniging Tuinen van West werd opgericht in 2015 om de…

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    HW10 Urban Resort

    HW10 staat voor Hendrik van Wijnstraat 10, het adres van deze broedplaats…

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    De Geluksdisco is een vrolijke en goedbezochte disco waar mensen van…

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    Urban Resort

    Stichting Urban Resort is een non-profit organisatie die broedplaatsen…

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    BankjesCollectief is een project opgezet door Jesse Jorg en Cathelijn de…

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    De wisselwinkel is een initiatief van Mama Louise en Ymere in samenwerking…

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  • Democracy by Design

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  • Collection (0)

    Amsterdam Marketing

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  • Collection (2)

    2018 Zuidoost Pop-up Space

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  • HvA Digital Society School Launch

    HvA meets Forbes Under 30 Summi

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    Designing with Rhythms

    Talk by Pinar Sefkatli (architect & PhD researcher, University of…

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  • Search query (104)

    Locatie: Provincie Noord-Holland

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  • Search query (538)

    Keyword (inhoud): Energie

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    Internet Article

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  • Search query (412)

    Keyword (inhoud): Kinderen

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  • 5G Project

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  • Innovatie Atelier openbare ruimte

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    2 artikel

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  • Search query (218)

    Keyword (inhoud): Statushouders

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  • Search query (118)

    Keyword (organisatie): Amsterdam UMC

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  • Search query (187)

    Evaluatie in cluster sociaal

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  • Search query (4)

    Keyword (organisatie): Sandberg Institute

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  • Search query (19)

    Keyword (organisatie): Rietveld Academie

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  • Search query (66)

    Keyword (organisatie): Koninklijke Academie van…

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  • Search query (127)

    Keyword (organisatie): Amsterdamse Hogeschool…

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  • Search query (69)

    Keyword (organisatie): Hogeschool Inholland

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  • Search query (509)

    Keyword (organisatie): Hogeschool van Amsterdam

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  • Search query (775)

    Keyword (organisatie): Universiteit van Amsterdam

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  • Search query (333)

    Locatie: Metropoolregio Amsterdam

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  • Search query (70)

    Keyword (organisatie): Cluster Interne…

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  • Search query (661)

    Keyword (organisatie): Cluster Dienstverlening en…

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  • Search query (843)

    All studies: Cluster Social

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  • Search query (863)

    Keyword (organisatie): Cluster Ruimte en Economie

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  • Public

    Gebiedsanalyse 2017: Gaasperdam/Driemond

    Er wonen veel gezinnen in Gaasperdam/Driemond, maar dit aandeel neemt…

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    Gebiedsanalyse 2017: Bijlmer-Oost

    De tevredenheid met de eigen buurt en woning verbeterde in 2013 tot rond…

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    Gebiedsanalyse 2017: Bijlmer-Centrum

    Er is veel studentenhuisvesting in Bijlmer-Centrum gekomen. Het gebied…

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    Gebiedsanalyse 2017: Oud-Noord

    Oud Noord groeit, met name de nieuwe wijken aan de IJ-oevers. De…

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    Gebiedsanalyse 2017: De Pijp / Rivierenbuurt

    De Pijp/Rivierenbuurt is een dichtbevolkt gebied en het wordt er ook…

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    Gebiedsanalyse 2017: Buitenveldert / Zuidas

    Bewoners van Buitenveldert / Zuidas geven al jaren een hoog rapportcijfer…

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    Gebiedsanalyse 2017: Oud / Zuid

    Oud-Zuid is een stabiel welvarend gebied, mensen wonen er graag. De…

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    Gebiedsanalyse 2017: Slotervaart

    Bewoners van Slotervaart zijn weinig tevreden met hun buurt en voorzien…

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    Gebiedsanalyse 2017: De Aker / Nieuw Sloten

    Er wonen veel (autochtone) gezinnen in De Aker, Sloten en Nieuw Sloten

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    Gebiedsanalyse 2017: Osdorp

    Bewoners van Osdorp zijn weinig tevreden met hun buurt. Ook de verwachting…

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    Gebiedsanalyse 2017: Geuzenveld / Slotermeer

    Veel mensen in Geuzenveld-Slotermeer-Sloterdijken hebben een migratie

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    Gebiedsanalyse 2017: Oud West / De Baarsjes

    De waardering voor wonen in Oud-West / De Baarsjes neemt al jaren langzaam…

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    Gebiedsanalyse 2017: Bos en Lommer

    De bevolkingssamenstelling in Bos en Lommer verandert, er komen meer…

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    Gebiedsanalyse 2017: Westerpark

    De waardering voor Westerpark zat jaren in de lift. In 2015 stabiliseert…

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    Gebiedsanalyse 2017: Centrum Oost

    Centrum-Oost is, naast Centrum-West, het tweede drukste gebied van de stad.

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  • Collection (1)

    Design Thinking

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  • Impactstudie Noord/Zuidlijn

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  • Ovale Tafel Mobiliteit

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  • Collection (6)


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  • City Rhythm AMS Researchers

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  • Civil Servants Communication Group

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  • Public

    Atlantis: The Antediluvian World

    Atlantis: The Antediluvian World is a pseudoscientific book published in…

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