
Note on Recognizing and appreciating researchers

How can open science come about sustainable?

The recommendations in this document are made by one of the working groups for the Dutch 'Nationaal Plan Open Science' en are closely related to open science recommendations at the European level.

The recommendations focus on the question how to recognize and reward researchers for their efforts to practice open science. According to the working group, open science can only be sustainable if its practices are embedded in the the mechanisms for recognizing and rewarding of academic researchers on the levels of (1) human resources, (2) research funding and (3) the evaluation of research quality according to existing standards.

Source: NPOS (2018) Notitie Erkennen en waarderen van onderzoekers

Members of the themegroup Erkennen en Waarderen: Melle de Vries (KNAW), Sebastiaan den Bak (NWO), Nathalie Bovy-van der Lugt (NFU, Radboudumc), René Daane (OCW), Kim Huijpen (VSNU), Hans de Jonge (NWO), Erik van de Linde (KNAW), Danielle Paulssen (OCW, Wendy Reijmerink (ZonMw), Frank van der Zwan (VH), Linda van Rossum (secretariaat) (SURF) .

Image credits

Header image: Brands&People via Unsplash | Erkennen

Icon image: Brands&People via Unsplash | Erkennen

