Collection (16)

Understanding homelessness

Homelessness can happen to any of us. In this collection you'll find various articles to understand homelessness.

This awareness - that it can happen to anyone - has increased in recent years and is of great importance to tackle this multi-layered problem. The stereotypical image of the homeless person sleeping on a bench is no longer tenable. Yet there is regular discussion about the demarcation and definition of homelessness. Internationally, a typology of homelessness and exclusion has been developed by FEANTSA to provide a framework for policy and practice purposes that provides a common language at an international level. This broad ETHOS* (European Typology of Homelessness and Housing Exclusion) definition makes it possible to visualize different living situations of homelessness. For example, a distinction is made between homeless and homeless, or between 'economic' or 'actual'.

In this collection you can read articles about homelessness due to migration, women's shelters, the importance of a social and digital network or about how to prevent recurrent homelessness. In 2023, the Journal for Health Sciences devoted a special issue to homelessness. These open access articles can also be found through the collection.

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Header image: Rubik's Cube - Street | Thanks to: Michelen Studios via Unsplash

Icon image: Rubik's Cube - Street | Thanks to: Michelen Studios via Unsplash

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