
Economic Homeless; is having no home the biggest problem?

At the end of 2019, the Regenboog Groep noticed that a new target group was increasingly knocking on its door. A group of homeless people who have become homeless due to a life event such as a divorce or loss of a job. However, they are often not eligible for help, because it was always thought that these people would be self-reliant. In practice, however, this is not (always) the case.

That is why the Science Shop of Wageningen University & Research (WUR) has been asked to map out how it can better help the economically homeless in obtaining (temporary) housing by researching possible solutions and opening a dialogue with those involved.

The researchers at the Science Shop have formulated the research into the following objectives: (1) Gain insight into the rules and processes that are important when dealing with homeless people, (2) Gain insight into good practices in (and perhaps outside) the Netherlands and (3) Finding creative solutions for so-called 'self-reliant' homeless people.

Projectuitvoering: Dr. Karin Peters (WUR) en studenten
Bron: Economische Daklozen; is geen huis het grootste probleem? - WUR

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