
Bed, bath, and beyond: Nature interventions in women’s shelters

Academisch Dissertation by Elisabeth Johanna Maria Peters

[Original full title: Bed, Bath, and Beyond: Nature Interventions to Support Family Life in Dutch Women’s Shelters and Shelters for Homeless Families

This dissertation is focused on families who reside in shelters. To give an idea of what family life in a shelter is like, this dissertation starts with a photo series. The photos show the daily lives of the Henderson family, a family of six who temporarily live in a shelter after becoming homeless. The photos are taken by social worker Sara Easter, who was able to capture the Henderson’s family life from up-close. The photos and the captions provide an impression of the ups and downs and hassles and stressors of family life in a shelter.

Peters, E. J. M. (2022). Bed, Bath, and Beyond: Nature Interventions to Support Family Life in Dutch Women’s Shelters and Shelters for Homeless Families. [PhD-Thesis - Research and graduation internal, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam]. s.n.
Author: Dr. Elise Peters, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Printing: Pantheon Drukkers,
Cover design: Bureau Merkwaardig (Daphne de Vries & Anouk de l’Ecluse),
Layout and design: Eduard Boxem,
All rights reserved

