
Shelter for newcomers in the social base of Amsterdam

Every year many newcomers with different backgrounds arrive in Amsterdam. Among them, for example, Eastern European labor migrants, economic migrants from all parts of the world, asylum seekers, displaced persons from Ukraine, and status holders who are assigned a home in Amsterdam.

Easily accessible social facilities, such as community centers, are available to all Amsterdam residents, including newcomers. They can come here for meetings and light forms of support. In addition, they can be referred here for more specialist help if they have questions. This applies to all newcomers, regardless of residence status. But, do they find their way to these facilities?

This research consists of two parts. Below you will find the exploration of the first part, in which the main question was: (how) do newcomers find their way to facilities in the Amsterdam social base in the period after arrival in Amsterdam? (Dutch)

Authors: Saskia Welschen, Rosanne van Kommer, Pamela Lucas, Marc Hoijtink | Lectoraat Stedelijk Sociaal Werk | Maart 2024

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