Collection (8)

Young and home- or houseless

In January 2023, Statistics Netherlands (CBS) surveyed that approximately 6,200 people were homeless in the young age category (between 18 and 27 years)[1]. Homelessness usually does not arise suddenly. Often a lot has already happened before it gets to this point.

Homeless young people often have other problems in addition to the lack of a roof or home. For example, they have had to deal with violence or abuse, psychological or somatic problems and/or a difficult relationship with their parents. Homeless young people also often have debts and problems with school or work and sometimes addiction problems. In this collection you can read more about the various research and approaches specifically intended for young people.

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Image credits

Header image: Rugtas - Backpack | Thanks to Charlie Solorzano via Unsplash

Icon image: Rugtas - Backpack | Thanks to Charlie Solorzano via Unsplash

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