
The Building Depot for young people

Helps young people regain control over their lives

'Het Bouwdepot' is an approach in which homeless young people receive a monthly donation for a year to build their own future. The approach gives young people financial peace and space to work on personal goals. Such as paying off debts, working on recovery and creating a stable living situation. This puts young people back in the driver's seat and regains control over their lives.

The Bouwdepot focuses on 18 to 21 year olds. A vulnerable target group that currently falls through the cracks of the law. By working creatively outside the system and using free fund money, it became possible to activate the field and enthuse municipalities in a short time. In this video, Ali explains how the Bouwdepot helped him:

Watch this video externally on: YouTube

Source: Het Bouwdepot via Youtube
Animation by Sophia Twigt
Music by Sounds by Thomas.


Additional info

Image credits

Header image: Photo by Waldemar on Unsplash

Icon image: De bouwstenen - afbeelding van Het


Ali - het Bouwdepot