Source: Actieprogramma Kansrijke Start. 2018. Ministerie van Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport en Hoge verwachtingen: Kansen en belemmeringen voor jongeren in 2019. SER.
Equal opportunities for children and young people
Every child deserves the best possible start to his or her life and an optimal chance of a good future. The first 1000 days of a child are crucial for a good start. The health of a child before, during and after birth appears to be an important predictor of problems – both physical and mental – later in life.
For Dutch young people it appears that they have many opportunities, with good education and job opportunities. Many young people seize these opportunities. But there are also concerns. The social loan system creates uncertainty, not everyone finds work that yields enough (such as flex work with uncertain employment conditions), there are few affordable homes for starters and relatively many young people suffer from stress or psychological complaints.
In this collection you will find articles on equal opportunities for children and young people.
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