
Social Network First? (Research report)

An exploratory research into the effect of network support among homeless people in Amsterdam and Haarlem

The most important step in ending homelessness is a home, but there are too few of them. That is why municipalities, shelter organizations and social professionals are looking for additions to the 'Housing first' approach, for example by offering network support to people who are or are at risk of becoming homeless. The support provided is based on the Resource method, developed in mental health care. This method is aimed at forming a support group together with participants from people from the formal care network and informal participants, such as family, friends and neighbors.

This report describes the initial findings of 'Social Network First?', a two-year study research project on network support for homeless people in Amsterdam and Haarlem. The following questions are central to the research: What goals do professionals, homeless people and the homeless network think they can achieve by offering the Resource method to homeless people on the waiting list for shelter? In their experience and experience, what is needed to set up a support group of formal care providers and informal contacts? And how do they think they can strengthen the homeless person's own control, together with the homeless person and the support group?

Authors: Josine Steenvoorde, Pamela Lucas, Barbara van der Ent, Meta de Lange, Nina
IJdens, Max Huber en Niels Hermens (augustus 2023)
Source: Social Network First - HvA

