
Report of the closing event of the High Hanging Fruit program

How can the historic city center eliminate its dependency on natural gas in just over a decade?

The City of Amsterdam has ambitious energy goals: it aims to become climate-neutral by 2050, and natural gas free by 2040. Perhaps the most challenging of this transition is the inner city, which has the highest heat demand density. However, considering its monumental character, this area is also complex to retrofit. The High Hanging Fruit research program explored energy retrofitting solutions that could make the city more sustainable while preserving its historic and aesthetic values. This interdisciplinary research, encompassing several projects, faculties, the municipality and researchers, was presented at the High Hanging Fruit event on September 6th, 2024.

Afbeelding credits

Header afbeelding: HHF event photo

Icon afbeelding: HHF event picture

