Collectie (5)

The Transdisciplinary Global Health Challenge 2023-2024

Community Service Learning project: VU Global Health minor 2023-2024

Welcome to our openresearch workspace of the Transdisciplinary Global Health Challenge (TGHC) 2023-2024!

The Transdisciplinary Global Health Challenge at VU Amsterdam is a 20-week collaborative project, embedded within the Global Health minor, resulting in community-based interventions to improve health issues at a local and global level. The purpose of the TGHC is to challenge students to cross disciplinary boundaries and apply their classroom-based learning into practice.

This year students will work on one of the following five projects:
1. Nutrition & Female empowerment in Vietnam
2. Mental health & wellbeing of the Hindustani Queer Community
3. Health & wellbeing of Homeless people in Amsterdam
4. Healthcare access for undocumented migrants with Amsterdam City Rights Group
5. Trust & Vaccination Campaigns

On this openresearch space students will upload their own online portfolios, in which they will share their work, findings and challenges. Check out the collections of the different projects below!

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