
Green Health Check

Project information

Greenery can greatly improve the quality of life inurban environments. Green Health Check developed a tool to map out the spatial challenges, opportunities and benefits of city greenery. This innovative tool helps planners, designers and developers optimize the use of greenery for a healthier and more pleasant city. More specifically, the currently-available tool maps the health effects of different types of greenery and even quantifies the economic value of greenery in the city.

Project lead

Robert Snep (Wageningen University & Research)


Ministry of Economic Affairs (Topsectoren), Wageningen University & Research, Permavoid Drain Solutions, MetaDecor BV, Soontiëns landscaping, RoyalFloraHolland, De Groene Stad, GGD Amsterdam & DRO Amsterdam

Total budget



2 years

Afbeelding credits

Header afbeelding: Green_Health_Check_c_Kelly_Larkin_1.original.jpg

Icon afbeelding: The Green Health Check by Kelli Larkin .png