
Barriers and drivers for product reuse

MADE Student Project

The built environment in the Netherlands is responsible for 50% of the national raw material usage and 36% of national CO2 emissions. Moreover, almost 40% of all the waste in the Netherlands is related to the construction- and demolition sector. Reuse of construction products has the potential to reduce resource depletion and CO2 emission. Although in literature and practice, attention has been given to the importance of reusing products to close material streams in the built environment, the implementation of reuse in practice is limited. There are still many barriers to implementing product reuse in practise. Attention has been given to what these reuse barriers and drivers are in the building sector. However, limited attention has been given in literature and practice to barriers and drivers for product reuse from infrastructural assetsin the urban context. Moreover, only a small number of studies focused on barriers and drivers in different countries, but no studies were found that examined the Dutch context. Therefore, this research aimed to identify the barriers and drivers to reusing products from assets in the Dutch infrastructural sector.

Afbeelding credits

Header afbeelding: Circularity in Urban Regions

Icon afbeelding: AMS Institute logo vierkant rood

