Energy modeling at PED scale is a rather new area of research in which a limited number of scientific articles has been published to this date. Especially the evaluation of e-Mobility and its effect on Positive Energy Districts has not been the focus topic of many publications yet. Our project partner DEUSTO developed a simulation that led to four different scenarios. The article “The Impact of e-Mobility in Positive Energy Districts” has been published as part of “environmental sciences proceedings” on 3 December 2021.

This article presents preliminary results that assess the effect of electromobility in an archetype Positive Energy District (PED). We present a PED modelling approach that represents renewable energy generation, an energy storage system, the consumption of residential and non-residential buildings, smart lighting services, and the inclusion of electric mobility. We consider renewable energy generation from photovoltaic panels and annual irradiation patterns of the North of Spain to accomplish the electric demands of a synthetic PED. In this general case study, we build up four scenarios where we evaluate at which degree the consumption of EVs would be covered by local Renewable Energy Sources (RES). The simulation results show that the urban areas with great efficiency (in terms of buildings) may support the demand of EVs and even provide a relevant amount of green kms out of PED boundaries.

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December, 2021

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