To assess need for an International Platform for Food System Science (IPFSS)

Today, the European Commission (EC) launches a High Level Expert Group (HLEG), whose mandate is to assess the needs, options, impacts and possible approach for an International Platform for Food Systems Science (IPFSS). In particular, this Expert Group will address gaps in the provision of food system science and evidence, in view of supporting an improved global food system governance.

The HLEG will consist of 19 international experts from different disciplines and continents, under the chairmanship of Tom Arnold, Chair of the Irish 2030 Agri-Food Strategy Committee, who will work in close cooperation with the EC’s DG Research & Innovation and other key EC departments.

Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth Mariya Gabriel said: "Sustainable and inclusive food systems are a challenge, which require a coordinated and global approach. I look forward to the valuable insights from the experts on how the EU can further contribute to a better food systems governance supported by science."

Patrick Child, Deputy Director-General for Research and Innovation and John Bell, Director for the Healthy Planet Directorate welcomed the members of the EG at a kick-off meeting today. The opening was followed by a guest lecture by Prof Joachim Von Braun, Chair of the UN Food Systems Summit Scientific Group.

The HLEG is expected to work for a duration of 18 months. Early findings are expected by June 2021 as a tangible EU deliverable to the UN Food Systems Pre-Summit planned for July 2021. Moreover, the feedback and outcomes of the Pre-Summit and Summit will inspire and guide the second part of the HLEG’s work, to be completed by May 2022, and consisting of a set of options and policy recommendations for further strengthening the international science-policy interface for improved food systems governance.

Source: New High Level Expert Group to assess need for an International Platform for Food System Science - European Commission

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